Santa in a Snowglo...
$7.00 USD
Glass pendant features Santa in a snow globe. It is set under a 7/8" square domed piece of glass. The back has been sealed to make this piece "water resistant," but not water-proof. The pendant can be attached to a chain via the silver bail.

How to Make Snow Globes
"The most vivid memories of Christmases past are usually not of gifts given or received, but of the spirit of love, the special warmth of Christmas worship, the cherished little habits of the home." Lois Rand
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Sara Groves
God grant you the light in Christmas,
which is faith; the warmth of Christmas,
which is love ...the belief in Christmas,
which is truth; the all of Christmas,
which is Christ. "
--Wilda English
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