Rainbow Fire in the Sky
"Music strikes me in a deep fit of devotion, and a profound contemplation on the First Composer. There is something in it of Divinity more than the ear discovers." Sir Thomas Browne
On Fire
by Switchfoot
This song is about desiring all God has for you. People try to tell you everything you need to know in life, who you need to know to get to the place they tell you that you need to go but everything inside you knows that there's so much to life that when you have God you have everything.
Once you get a taste of His love and His glory it feels like you're on fire surrounded by everything that He is in all His glory. His love, how He came down to rescue us is a mystery. How He was fully man and fully God and never sinned, is a mystery. There are so many mysteries about God and the closerwe get to Him the more our hearts burn for Him. The more we desire Him.
This song is about being lost in God's fire and having a passion that's like a fire in your heart for God.
His word is like a fire burning up inside me. I cannot keep it to myself I must share this love with the world. Jeremiah 20:9 -- Kool Christian Girl
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