Vintage Colorful Chippy Garden Tools Made in Japan Claws, Spade, Forks
by: magark $25 Etsy

Border design - Great ways to use flowers in your garden - Photos ...
Great ways to use borders in the garden: Garden border for a pool, to accent a lawn, edge a path, or frame a focal point. Flowers that bloom over a long season and require only modest amounts of water or time ― isn't that what we all want? Choose the right plants and you can have vibrant borders from spring through fall. {Sunset Magazine, photo 2 of 13)

Great garden borders: A few well-chosen plants
Borders don't have to be large or complex to have visual impact; just four or five well-chosen plants can work wonders. Here, a border of purple African daisies, lobelia, sea lavender and silver dusty Miller hugs a pool in Scottsdale, AZ. {Sunset Magazine, photo 3 of 13, link above}
Design: Graham Smith, Arcadia Studio (602/955-0301)
Bulbs for Summer Bloom - P. Allen Smith
"When I think of bulb planting, I always think of the fall, the time of year we plant many of our favorite spring blooming flowers like tulips and daffodils. But if you're willing to expand your definition of exactly what a bulb is, there's a whole world of possibilities out there. By planting many of these in the spring, you can enjoy blooms and interesting foliage all summer long."
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