I gave my back to those who beat me; my cheeks to those who pluck my beard: My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. ~ Isaiah 50:6
Untitled Poem
by KoolChristian Girl
Broken chains
He came to set us free
But we aren't living in the freedom He gave
He came to break our chains
But we choose to live in bondage.
Time and time again
We turn to what won't satisfy
We choose the pain
We choose the sadness
When life and abundant joy is being offered.
Chains have been broken
But still we sit in our prison cell
He came and bailed us out
And the walls have been broken down
But we stay in the place we once knew
Because we are comfortable there.
Our broken past
Has been forgiven
Yet we constantly replay the memories in our mind
We've been given authority over the demonic
A sword in our hand
Yet we stand by as if he has the authority.
This message will not be easy to hear
Because we don't want to admit
That we're holding ourselves back
And we won't walk through the open door.
He's given us the keys to life
But we choose death
By walking away from Him
When we know that He has so much more to offer.
Time and time again
We turn to what won't satisfy
We choose the pain
We choose the sadness
When life and abundant joy is being offered.
Chains have been broken
But still we sit in our prison cell
He came and bailed us out
And the walls have been broken down
But we stay in the place we once knew
Because we are comfortable there.
Jesus is our deliverer
And He broke every chain
When He shed His blood
And paid for every sin
But we still choose to turn away from Him.
He came and He forgave us
But still we let shame rule us
He came and He opened the door
But we won't walk through it
For fear that He might hurt us or lead us astray.
He came and He broke the chains
But we pick them back up again
Because we are more comfortable in them
Then we cry out asking why won't He free us
When He whispers
I already have.
Time and time again
We turn to what won't satisfy
We choose the pain
We choose the sadness
When life and abundant joy is being offered.
Chains have been broken
But still we sit in our prison cell
He came and bailed us out
And the walls have been broken down
But we stay in the place we once knew
Because we are comfortable there.
Our chains are broken
Our sins are forgiven
We are set free
But we refuse to move
And we let the pain keep us down.
Life comes and it will wear us down
But we are faced with a choice
We can either lay our burdens down
And move forward to the life He has offered
Or sit in our prison cells
Missing out on life
And letting the enemy rule over you.
We are children
We are warriors
And we've been given armor to fight
We have a powerful sword in our hand
And He has taught us how to fight
But so many times we believe the lie
And let the enemy win.
God wants to move in your life
But you have to let Him
If you are willing to move forward
He will carry you through the valley.
But time and time again
We turn to what won't satisfy
We choose the pain
We choose the sadness
When life and abundant joy is being offered.
Chains have been broken
But still we sit in our prison cell
He came and bailed us out
And the walls have been broken down
But we stay in the place we once knew
Because we are comfortable there.
If the Son has set you free
Then you are truly free
So why then do we sit in darkness?
When His light is willing to break through
Why do we pick up our chains?
When we know He has set us free?
In Christ we are
Fully forgiven
Fully free
Fully accepted
Fully cleansed by His blood.
We aren't struggling to be free
But we are free to be struggling
Life is about a choice
Pain will come
Heartache will come
But we are God's children
And we are His warriors
And we've been given a sword to fight.
So warriors pick up your swords
And start fighting
Drop your chains
Because He set you free for a reason
It is for freedom that Christ has set you free
Not to pick up your chains and sit in your bondage
Let's stand in the freedom given to us.
Time and time again
We turn to what won't satisfy
We choose the pain
We choose the sadness
When life and abundant joy is being offered.
Chains have been broken
But still we sit in our prison cell
He came and bailed us out
And the walls have been broken down
But we stay in the place we once knew
Because we are comfortable there.
For if Jesus has set us free
(And He has)
Then we are truly free.
John 8:36
It is for FREEDOM
That Christ has set us free
So we will live and walk
In the freedom He gave
It wasn't for no reason that He shed His blood
His shedding blood wasn't in vain
He shed His blood so we could be FREE.
Galatians 5:1
Sanctified by Mercy Me
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