Arrange to live sensibly, truthfully and always with a sense of our limitations . . . true peace of mind comes from accepting the worst. -- Lin Yutang
When we overdo, we're out of control. Overload results in chaos and even sickness. Limit yourself so you can enjoy some peace of mind.
Is your life in balance? Are you working too hard? Do you have too many challenges? Do you have enough fun? Minor readjustments will make you feel whole again. I just had a nap. Wow, what a difference. - Alexandra Stoddard, Grace Notes Insights, Reflections, Inspirations, and Quests for Every Day of the Year
From Carrie's album "Carnival Ride", a song about not sweating the small stuff, but instead focusing on the fact that love is what's important in life.
Jesus Christ himself stated what He thought were the two greatest commandments, and both of them had to do with love: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart...", and "Love your neighbor as yourself." Everything else is small by comparison.
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